Intending to write.

Hey there,

Just motivating myself to blog more, I’m having the following posts in mind:

1) MuslimUnity continuing the series I wrote the first part of and publish an eBooks. (9 posts)

2) Writing down the rest of my ToastMasters speeches after finishing the last speech in the Competent Communicator track. (8 posts)

3) Blogging more in personal matters and activities.

  • My experience with Twitter
  • My experience with Facebook
  • Socially speaking – hypocrisy and more
  • Self-help my experience – focused mind and optimize performance
  • Civilizational independence

The book Civilizational independence for Mohamed Omara PhD, made me feel much more responsible to share and get my view point out there, after a bit of time asking myself about the value of getting it out there!

I’ll be back soon ..

– Abdo


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