Searching for an old love

I received the following messages from a German lady via a German networking site. Messages say it all. Sorry for the poor English, she’s not a native speaker and I didn’t want to modify the messages and just post as is ..

M. S. wrote 29.12.2009:

greetings from munich and i have a very important question do you have aknow about md,magdi abbas? computerhardware ingeneer?age 60-65?he worked for siemens a.moved in germany 83-86 please tell me if you can thank you micaela.

i forget, he live in cairo a.i was search him direct there in 89 but no result.

and his wish when he was young, was to be a airfligth pilot sorry for disturb! have a nice 2010!micaela

I was quite inactive on the site for a long while, got back and checked my messages to find the above, it was astonishing to see someone still searching for another who lost contact with for 24 years, I got back with a reply that I don’t know him but I find that inspirational and asked for more details about it and she responded saying:

M. S. wrote 23.04.2010:

Hello Mr. A.Magdy, now I was complete schocked to read the name Mr.Md. Magdi Abbas ,because today i should be not here about my 50 birthday!. Suddely looked the Name! At first thank you for answer me! Too, too long time triedto find out this man! Went to Cairo, such him -surch the post office, where my letters gone before! Many things done, only about him.So i came here to yasni Person surching -machine And as i saw your name, so my first thought was:You are his son may? Weloosed each other, it was my foult -not his!

He stayed at 1987 in Washington DC.- Maryland to reach anew Diplom as A Computer -Ingeneer.I think -it was hardware -technics-.That i try to find out all the name about him in Cairo,and all streetnames via mapcard –than i got a warning from egyptian gouverment.what i want and try here to find out.

Becaus one of a minister with the same name have.Thats about no informations more Yes, so again start surch from here Thats all slii ican explain You at first ! Only, that this man worked and moved around the world for siemens -ccompany! If intern or extern this question is out of my knowing,sorry.

He have one son and one dougther -she may one year older than son. Wifes name Fatme /Fatima. Now is only my qestion-he is alive and stay healthy or he is gone with angels ?? Thats all for the moment. i wait now 23 years -so never mind for few days more .Thank You, have a nice free friday up to next time! Ma selam

That was touching!

– Abdo

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