War on Gaza, Background for truth seekers!

Hi All,

I’ve wrote that as a reply to a blog today and found that the blog isn’t here anymore and came to share it, as I’m approaching my exams I wasn’t able to participate in the latest blogs concerning Gaza effectively, well some depression too watching the crimes live! on Aljazeera! and reading the lies!

UPDATE: The videos here is embedded as a reference and in case you’re really searching for the truth the sources of information is there, I’m not making up some information and calling it facts! these are the references, If you don’t have time to search for the truth, then you’ll never find it! Every video duration is presented before it!

It’s logical that you’ll find here a lot of Ecademists who goes with supporting Israel in whatever they do, and condemn Hamas for the obvious Israeli terrorism against a UN school, and intentionally shooting aid workers and journalists and attacking people with prohibited chemical weapons. In 17 days 919 Palestinians killed by Israel including 284 children & 100 women, 4260 injured.

While forming a balanced and fair view of the cause for someone not form the region is some how difficult as the sources of news, information and background is presented from the beginning of the conflict in a one-sided view, that’s illustrated somehow in “Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land” movie and that’s a part of it: [8:33 Min]


If you’ve got some time here is a link to the full movie : http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6604775898578139565 [1:20 hours]

It goes to the personal level, with the founder of If AmericansKnew.org telling her own story and why she founded If Americans Knew and what they found after conducting research and getting statistics! [9:29 Min]


Part II, Part III

That paradigm shift happened with Rachel Corrie too, when she went to see Gaza with her eyes: [4:00 Min]

Do you know where is she now? Read & Watch what happened to her: http://www.miftah.org/Display.cfm?DocId=1866&CategoryId=23

Who broke the cease fire seems a reasonable question, was the Hamas rockets the reason behind the latest terrorist attacks on Gaza’s people. CNN was trying to find out: [3:36 Min]

Talking about Hamas charter, require us to go further to the check the root causes of the conflict, Occupation 101 tried: [1:57 Min]


Somehow, Hamas charter is no different that the Jews Against Zionist charter: http://www.ijsn.net/about_us/charter/, even some Jews still confess the truth: [9:37 Min]


Part II, and their website http://nkuk.org/

That’s just a little bit of background of the conflict that had to be kept away from the eyes of the western world, to continue their un-conditional support to Israel and its crimes . If Israel want to exist and live in peace there had to be justice too!

And we haven’t talked about the attacks, casualties and stories yet!


Also published on Medium.

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